Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just a litte homesick

It's only been a little over a week in Pargaguay (two weeks since I left home, though...) and here are some of my reflections. Basically I am the luckiest person in the world. Like, I love my family, Mom, Pop and Eleanor, and I love Andrew I miss them a lot. And I love my friends, Carrie, Melanie, Simon, even though he probably doesn't even read my blog, Helen and Jill and Maya...

I miss Fred Meyers and hot showers and my car and Interlochen and flushing toilet paper...

I love Alaska. 

This is the most thankful and lucky I've felt in probably ever.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Flora,
    One of the best things about travel is that it gives you new perspective on your home. But, as Robert S. said, you will grow accustomed to the things about Paraguay that seem so bizarre and different now, and you might even come to love them (or at least dryly appreciate them). He became much more comfortable as time went on. Keep your chin up, brave girl, keep getting out and interacting with those kids. We know you can do it!
