Thursday, August 2, 2012

Soccer is a serious thing.

Soccer is so big here. Actually, sports (in addition to futbol: hand ball, tennis, basket ball...) are in general and I think my classmates are a little confused when I say I play violin. Like they keep on asking me if I play any sports, even though I´ve been in school with them all week and I really don´t think it´s a language barrier... more like, Wait you don´t play sports? Don´t you have legs? Props to me though, I happily accepted an invitation to play tennis this Sunday with a girl... whose name I cannot, for the life of me, remember, even though we´ve been introduced like five times. Probably another Josafina. 

Anyways, this morning, instead of having class (and this went for all of the high schools in Pilar who though anything of themselves) we walked about 30 minutes to this indoor soccer stadium and proceeded to watch our girl´s soccer team get their butts whipped (4-1... maybe 3 I don´t really know) to super loud and obnoxious, drum-beating, balloon-bearing Santo Thomas. It´s only been a week and I´ve already developed quite the school spirit, so it seems. But it was ok, because really, for me at least, the most intersting/amusing/fun part of watching this game wasn´t the game itself but the spectators. The whole stadium was exploding with noise, I think the best comparison I can think of at the moment are giant cymbols banging  in a raquetball room. Spanish people, I´ve learned, really don´t mess with their soccer, even when it consists of 17 and under, mediocre (except for this one beast girl from Santo Thomas who like, hip thrusted after every goal...) girls 9.00am on a Thursday morning. 


PS. No school tomorrow again! Second half of the tournament. I´m so glad I don´t need school credit...  

1 comment:

  1. Take some photos of the game tomorrow, and post them. I really like your blog!
