Sunday, October 7, 2012

Profe ME

In no way am I an actual certified professor in anything yet that does not stop my little English spelling bee practice class from addressing me as Profe. I have felt the best I have ever felt about coming to Paraguay ever since getting recruited for volunteering at Escuela de Futuro, a local elementary school about five minutes away from my house. Even though the kids are pretty rowdy (they're all like 11 or 12 years old and five out of the six students are boys) and fairly difficult to control, there's something about working with them that makes me really happy. I feel like I'm doing something and making a difference.

Since our first meeting a few weeks ago, we have kind of worked out a schedule: I come in around 2.00 and we first go over the page that we'll be working on that day, for pronunciation, and then I will give them a spelling test. The words that they get wrong they have to either copy five times each or write a sentence in English using that word. Then when they finish, I have been trying to quiz them orally one on one, except that kind of takes a while so I think this Monday I'm going to see if they can quiz each other. This is more or less what we do every day. Some, actually a lot of the time I am yelling at the two Matias who steal each other's dictionaries and throw them in the trash can. But I think more or less it's under control, or at least as under control as any Paraguayan class can be.

Anyways, I'm feeling pretty good about working with these kids.. I'm really impressed how much English they can understand, especially if I speak slowly with big hand gestures. I can more or less speak to them in English, and they'll respond in Spanish.

So that's what I've been up to in the afternoons lately, ever since I quit harp. HEHEhe.

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