Thursday, November 29, 2012

3.00am hi

It's interesting the things one learns when in Paraguay... for example. Like, Flora don't leave your empty glass on your night stand because there will be a thunder/lightening storm tonight and you will knock it over and it will split into a thousand tiny sharp pieces in your attempt to grab your iPod to text your boyfriend a farewell message because you're sure that the thunder and lighting is going to be the end of you.

It's almost three in the morning and besides the fact that I can't sleep, I now have mini glass shards stuck in my left index finger and thumb. So I'm typing handicapped. It's too scary to make my way to the kitchen and tend to my (albeit fairly minor) wounds.

On the bright side this thing is very cute:

And, as the lights are flickering.. Um the power just went out. Shit. And the Internet too.. :/ Um. Well... On the other bright side what ever pet I decided to buy when I return shall be dubbed with the name Chipa, in honor of the chipa vendors here. If anyone has been to Paraguay, they will know the call of the Chipa people. Chiiiipa chiiipa chiipppa chipa!

It's like the scene from The Wizzard of Oz and the tornado. I'm scared....

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