Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Falta poco.

It's interesting how dramatically my perspective changes on being in Paraguay when I know I'm leaving in exactly one week. Or maybe it's just that finally I'm starting to get a little more used to things here, and I finally have made good friends... I think it's a little bit of both. End of exchange, been here almost five months = getting used to things.

But it's ok. I'd much rather leave Paraguay on a good and pretty note, regarding friends, host family, Dulce the Dog than on a bad and miserable note.

A little bit on my second to last weekend: Went to my final AFS camp in Ciudad del Este which was definitely a 15 hour travel day. And the second bus we took from Asuncion to CdE (cross country trip, for those of you who are unaware of Paraguay city locations..) sounded like it was about to die. Like the motor was like the Grinch's heart, three sizes too small, and the whole ride I feared it would cut out and we would be stuck in the middle of the Paraguay campo with about 8,000 cows. Luckily that didn't happen. I'll just briefly state that the hotel we stayed in had a fabulous pool.. and that was the highlight of the weekend. Other wise it was just AFS being AFS and that's not a fun topic to write about.

Well.. actually we went to go see a hydro dam at like 8.00am Saturday morning for like four hours. That's always fun. Wandering around in loud cement underground tunnels for extend periods of time.

Sunday was just a visit to some waterfalls, which were actually quite pretty, and then a long ride back to Asuncion.

Monday: I saw Lady Gaga in Paraguay. FACHA. So worth the four and a half hours of waiting in the cold and rain outside. She brought her own freaking castle to Paraguay. And then she came out of it on a fake mechanical horse. And fire was blowing out of her nose. No, just kidding. But her costume wardrobe for that two hour concert probably equals my wardrobe for life. Just saying..

Today is Wednesday, or miercoles as they say here. This afternoon was a scorcher, a whopping 94F, and I was literally dripping with sweat starting at about 10.00am until maybe around 5.00pm when I found relief under the the fan. I spend the afternoon with my new friend Angel and we looked for thermos.. but due to the lack of thermos here in Pilar and my inability to make decisions, no matter how few options I am presented with, I did not buy one. But I shall return to the US with a thermo. I'm going to bring back terere to the USA and make it big.

Terere is one of the things I didn't really like before but now I'm actually quite the fan of. Like, I would drink it willingly by myself now.


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