Monday, August 13, 2012

Empanadas ETC

The courtyard in my school.

Typical classroom.

Typical desk in typical classroom. 

The armadillo in the freezer (photographic evidence.)

Lunch today! The green stuff when into the empanadas. The orange stuff was made into soup.

The empanada dough... or the start of it.

Chicken for the empanada filling.

Flora making the juice...

Here they make juice from the fruit. 

August showing Flora how to use the empanada shaper.

The first of many...

Empanada shaper.

After one pan I decided that I did not want to make anymore. August said that I could sell them for 1 mil, about 20 cents. I told her that I would sell them for 5 mil and she laughed. 

Post deep frying.


Today I had Spanish class which I did not realize until like five minutes before it started. But we didn't do anything (like always.) Our teacher brought nail polish and we painted our nails... then we got some snacks. 


  1. Flora, is that the front end of the armadillo or the back end? How do you say armadillo in Spanish?
    Also, to make orange juice you peel the fruit and then what? Do you have a crusher or how do you get the juice out.
    Say hola to August for me!
    love, Mum

  2. Isn't Armadillo Spanish for Armadillo? When are you going to eat that thing? Do they peel it like a shrimp? Make sure you tell us if/when it goes into dinner!
