Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ro hai hu Paraguay

I just returned from a class meeting, we had to discuss our end-of-the-year plans: big prom and small trip vs big trip to Brazil and small prom.

I was on Team Brazil (not that my opinion really counted, or that I could understand anything) but unfortunately, Brazil was vetoed due to financial/logistics/etc. issues. Understandably... planning a trip for 30+ minors is no small task.

So now the plan is to have a big, fancy prom-type thing (they have a special word for it here, coalition maybe) and take a small two day trip to Incarnacion, a city a few hours south of here. I'm a little disappointed but not really, because I am so thankful for all of these people in my "curso" who have been so nice and so inclusive and really have just taken me in as one of them. Although it was kind of a rough start at the beginning, every day I am becoming more and more charmed, if not even found of all of their cultural quirks, loudness/forwardness included. :)

Since my last post I have:
1. Eaten a probably poisonous "pancho" in the Poli (the sports center) topped with mayonnaise and ketchup. I was wrongly convinced that it would be "rico."

2.  Went to a dinner party that started at 10.00pm... and ended at 5.00am. I did not stay that long, I left around midnight... Paz came home around 5.00am. This is normal, if not early.

3. Found an entire frozen armadillo in the freezer.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm, I wonder what is to become of the armadillo in the freezer? I am intrigued....
